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Quotations by Glenn Archer

"Oh Christian, learn to look for God in unexpected places."  November 29, 1998


"God the Father is the Author of grace.  God the Son is the Channel of grace.  God the Holy Spirit is the Administrator of grace."         May 16, 1999


"You will be successful if you live for the Lord."  August 15, 1999


"Without holiness, there can be no love."  October 17, 1999


"The first Adam was God’s competitor.  The last Adam was God’s cooperator."  December 12, 1999


"You can teach a parrot to pray; but that parrot is not saved."


"Faith often has setbacks; but faith never has lapses."  January 21, 2001


"I’d rather go to hell from a bar stool, rather than from a Baptist pew."  May 20, 2001


"You don’t have to badger people.  If they are thirsty, they will come and drink."  March 26, 2003


"It’s not that God can’t; but sometimes God won’t."  July 11, 2004


"Learn to rightly divide the word of truth.  One size does not fit all.  Learn to apply scriptures correctly."  July 14, 2004


"If God doesn’t give it to you, you ought not to say it."  July 14, 2004


"Take the passage and explain it.  Tell the people what the scriptures say."


"Great day in the mornin’!"


"If you please…!"


"Well, at any rate…"

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